Steve Brackin

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davidmcb's avatar
David Sinrich I think it's probably accurate, except the part about "pretending". He probably IS genuinely sad. It's probably more about frames, of politics, proximity, dualities.
December 15 at 12:24pm · Like
David Sinrich Psychopath is a useless label here that obscures more truth than it sheds light on.
December 15 at 12:25pm · Like
David McBride Is it useless?
Intellect or Instinct: A Contemporary View of the Death Drive | The New School
Intellect or Instinct: Must We Choose? A Contemporary View of the Death Drive TH...See More
December 15 at 12:35pm · Like · Remove Preview
David McBride
Zizek! - documentary by Atra Taylor
ZIZEK! is both an unforgettable lesson in philosophy and a compelling portrait o...See More
December 15 at 12:40pm · Like · Remove Preview
David McBride
Slavoj Žižek - Maybe We Just Need a Different Chicken ...
Sociologist and philosopher, Slavoj Žižek, discusses politeness and civility in ...See More
December 15 at 12:41pm · Like · Remove Preview
David McBride…
The psychotic among us:The Emerging View of Psychosis and its Possible Implications for Stigma
All forms of stigmatization, it is argued, are underpinned by an erroneous assumption that the stigmatized group is fundamental different or 'other'.
December 15 at 12:43pm · Like · Remove Preview
Keith Gore Wiseman His tears about these children are real; it's just that he has bought into the belief that the people he is bombing are "the other" and don't matter - but that is common to most Americans, most especially Christians. When people, especially Americans, learn to put humanity over individual greed and short-sighted concepts of self-interest, we'll have a better world. But don't hold your breath.
December 15 at 12:49pm · Unlike · 2
David McBride Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926)

Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926) is perhaps the most important figure in the history of psychiatric classification. He earned a medical degree in psychiatry and studied under many leading scientists, including Wilhelm Wundt. As the director of an 80-bed clinic at the University of Dorpat in Livonia (now University of Tartu in Estonia), Kraepelin had occasion to create detailed histories of a variety of patients. These records led to his first breakthrough in psychiatry. Prior to Kraepelin, the disorders "dementia praecox" (now called schizophrenia) and manic-depression were viewed as a unitary concept. Kraepelin separated them and described the pattern of symptoms and course associated with each disorder. He determined that manic-depression was intermittent while dementia praecox was deteriorating. (Later, it became clear that dementia praecox was not always associated with mental decline; therefore, it was renamed by Eugene Bleuler.) Kraepelin also co-discovered Alzheimer's Disease with Alois Alzheimer.

Kraepelin's contribution to classification is significant because of its organization. Although predecessors had grouped diseases based on similarity of symptoms, Kraepelin used a medical model and grouped them based on a pattern of symptoms. He realized that the same symptom could occur across disorders but that different disorders have different patterns of symptoms. The 6th edition of Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie (1899) introduced 16 categories of psychopathology. Its chapters on dementia praecox and manic-depression made it an instant classic and a worldwide favorite as a textbook.

Kraepelin postulated that diseases were caused by biological and genetic disorders, and he was confident that each would be discovered in time. His ideas were supported by research documenting brain abnormalities upon autopsy of patients with dementia praecox. Although Kraepelin's ideas were largely ignored during his lifetime due to the popularity of Freud, his legacy may be seen in the most recent revisions of the DSM.
Emil Kraepelin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emil Kraepelin (15 February 1856 – 7 October 1926) was a Germanpsychiatrist. H.J...See More
December 16 at 12:23am · Like · Remove Preview
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
Oh good grief, you too? I stopped being impressed by nasty leftist self-righteousness about forty years ago. Grow up, learn how the world works, and learn how to appreciate sincere grief for a truly extraordinary evil when it arises.
December 16 at 12:49am · Like
David McBride a truly extraordinary evil?andthe kwangju massacre? the congo war? isnt jimmy carter supposed to be a leftist? isnt bill clinton supposed to be left wing as well? i think its clear that there is a class of psychotic mass murderers that realize that in order to fully indulge their bloodlust they must position themselves into certain well defined positions in the linguistic symbolic order.lets look at left wing ideas in the…
The Strength of the Strong:The Unparalleled Invasion
The year 1904 logically marks the beginning of the development that, seventy yea...See More
December 16 at 2:16am · Like · Remove Preview
David McBride… more radical left wing views.
December 16 at 2:21am · Like
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
David, don't be stupid. Children die every day in wars, in crimes, in traffic accidents, but this was the only instance I know of, outside a deliberate attempt at genocide committed by an army or a mob, where someone deliberately tried to kill as many small children as possible. That's what makes it extraordinary, and it's disgusting moral pretentiousness to equate these killings with killings that are the practically unavoidable consequences of war.
December 16 at 3:38am · Like
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
I just learned that there have been several attacks against schoolchildren in China. The attackers didn't kill nearly as many people though, because they didn't use guns.
December 16 at 8:16am · Like
David McBride The only instance you know of? Well consider yourself lucky. I was a volunteer hr worker in Atlanta and taught classes to Bosnian refugees for nearly ten years before i went to teach computer animation. During that time I read hundreds of reports about his kind of thing all over the world every month. I quit doing it because I didn't want to have my brief sojourn in this mortal frame filled up with so much tragedy.… What did I say that was "stupid"? What was "nasty leftist self righteousness"? I meant to reference the essay on Asia London wrote… but I mistakenly put his later short story which was his way to propose a "solution" to his "Asia Question". Do you consider terms in your discourse to generally be denotative in the semiotic sense? Have you given any thought to whether or not they might not in fact be so in your own mind? I'm generally aware that a quite arbitrary and independent connotative framework builds itself up over time in the minds of every individual and that this can lead to a condition such that in the course of our communication with one another what we believe is mutual understanding or disagreement can be easily shown to be nothing but pure fantasy on all sides.(I should say fantasies because they are all as unique as fingerprints I suppose.) This is especially true across language boundaries. I have a good friend in Germany doing advanced visual semiotics work and he introduced me to Barthes Weltanschauung idea about the notion of terms and symbols as metacognitive schema. Barthes ideas carried existing linguistic theories even further and really struck me profoundly with respect to the notion of the Lacanian imaginary. Saussure, Barthes, Lacan have really brilliantly illuminated the difficulties with "understanding" in the vessel of our linguistic existence. Anyway,my sympathies are with you about feeling disgusted. The original image was shared with me by my best friend in India who is one of the smartest people I know and quite courageous. If you consider for a moment the perspective of people who are living outside America, they generally have a harder time believing that our leaders are sincere with respect to certain issues such as the one that precipitated this unfortunate interruption in my reading of the Ecrits and the new 3dsmax documentation. They look at the image of this man crying and it simply makes no sense to them. To deal with the contradiction, the text is added and serves the function of making logic from something that seems to them fundamentally illogical. Voila, Hegelian dialectical visual semiotics in action. Their viewpoints are tied up in their long historical experience with the west and as such are not entirely without basis. I consider it highly unlikely that the Chinese people will ever be able to take our western "christianity" seriously given all the international support to the ultimately successful Qing efforts to wipe out the Chinese christians.
List of rampage killers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a partial list of mass murders and spree killings perpetrated by individuals. It is further divided into several subsections.
December 16 at 11:45am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
David McBride Again, I don't know if the terms: disgusting, moral, pretentiousness, equate, practically, unavoidable, and consequences are here meant in your way of thinking to be denotative or not. If they are meant to be denotative in the semiotic sense, are you sure independent cross referencing will yield an understanding consistent with your intended meaning? If you were to check and found that the terms as you used them turn out to be connotative then I'm sure you'll understand there is not much possibility of me getting an accurate understanding of what you mean here. Making the construct "disgusting moral pretentiousness" underscores the metacognitive schema problematic I mentioned as being able to understand it is dependent on knowledge of the Weltanschauung that forms its underpinnings right? In other words, I don't understand what you mean.
December 16 at 2:07pm · Like
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
Yes, I was just lucky not to have known of other deliberate attacks against children. You were stupid in not recognizing why Obama had the flags lowered. And Obama didn't stand in front of the children he killed with a semiautomatic rifle and shoot the...See More
Tuesday at 4:33pm · Like
David McBride "stupid in not recognizing why Obama had the flags lowered"? How do you know I knew that? In fact, I had no idea. Even if I did know it, isn't putting flags at half mast a tradition in times of tragedy? I would have expected them to be at half mast year round. Again, I don't know what you mean by equate. Whatever you mean, when and how did I do this equate? "leftist" what does that mean? it sounds like you mean it purely as an insulting epithet which disappoints me. I am not rightist or leftist or whatever -ism into which you cathect your eros and thanatos. I am a human being. You should compose yourself and refrain from vitriolic name calling in a public forum. So we have first you wrongly assume I didn't recognize something I had that I in reality had no idea had occurred and therefore are angry and without reflection decide to hurl an epithet. Then you follow what I fear is a descending chain of rather paranoiac (den: having groundless fear) reasoning that I have personally stated that two distinct individuals are the same and assuming this makes me "nasty", "leftist", and "self-righteous". Well, I'll first make the case that I don't consider myself to be nasty (Adjective Highly unpleasant, esp. to the senses; physically nauseating.Noun An unpleasant or harmful person or thing. Synonyms foul - filthy - vile - loathsome - abominable - bad). In fact I am generally patient, tolerant, pacific, and kind so if its your intention by calling me nasty to give me constructive criticism, this is too much of a vague generality for me to do anything with. Nasty in what sense? If it was just a word chosen with the intention of causing a sense of hurt humiliation or pain then its function would seem clearer to me. I stated I am not "leftist" or "rightist" because I have been educated well enough not to fall into various linguistic traps opened up by labeling oneself or others with words whose connotative definitions are not well defined to say the least, and in fact undergo routine distortions by the PR industry to say a bit more. I would go further to state that it is well known that this practice of labeling in the process of deciding which human beings are to be hated and which are to be loved was used to great effect by the Nazis and thus amounts amounts to the practice of a fundamental tenet of fascism. Next, you claim I am self-righteous but you have modified it with this well, fairly mysterious and incomprehensible notion of "leftist" I could concede a sense of self righteousness when I am doing things like helping my brother clean the house, braking to let a dog cross the road or basically anytime I happen to be doing something where I have a clear choice between options I personally consider to be right or wrong ignoring for the moment any deeper philosophical considerations, but when you modify a potentially denigrating and abstract term with another isn't it going quite a bit far to expect anyone to seriously understand what you mean? I will admit that most people would just say your meaning was really just basically "insert colorful insulting epithet here". If we look at the term "disgusting" as meaning "Arousing revulsion or strong indignation." and you are saying that you mean me, I didn't make that PR stunt photo in the first place, it was shared to my timeline by someone from India and it is worth noting that people all around the world felt disgust when they saw it sans text being foisted on us all as a gross attempt at propaganda they all find impossible to believe primarily due to a closer contact with the daily realities of militaristic policies worldwide. To them it is quite outlandish to think of such a personage having sincere grief over loss of human life. As far as moral self righteousness goes, the only thought I had when my best friend posted that counter PR piece was that I'm tired of the media circus here too. I hope this will go away soon so I can enjoy my holiday. As I know approximately 78 people every 24 hours are killed with fire arms in the US I would prefer not to spend the days between now and new year obsessing with media induced traumas over a tiny subset of the approximately 1000 human beings that will be killed with firearms here between now and then, so once again, you're wrong plain and simple. You tell me I'm using fancy words that are in fact words that are essential to your comprehension of my explanation of why I felt that there had been a complete breakdown (quite common) in the level of understanding between us since you had this sudden violently aggressive outburst on my timeline because one of my friends from India, and incidentally nearly 6000 other people expressed skepticism over the sincerity of an individual used in some random PR industry photo op. It would seem you have gotten into the habit of not using a dictionary anymore which is disappointing and really sort of embarrassing to me. It may be because I am much more actively involved in language studies that I find it somewhat shocking to hear you use the phrase "using fancy words" in what seems to function as a dismissive hook to your next derogatory construct instead of saying to yourself "I admit I do not know this word" and taking a few edifying moments with a dictionary to expand your horizons. I admit having a hard time with your logic but I'll give you a word of advice from someone who has been working in mass communications for 20+ years. Turn off the TV. It is a ratings business and unresolvable controversy drives up ratings while driving people crazy. I've never seen you behave like this. Ok, If you want to spend the Christmas holiday hurling slanders at your family members, you are quite welcome to do so but you are also free to take a moment to calm down, turn of the TV and occupy your mind with creative pursuits. Please use a dictionary. I do so many times everyday.
Tuesday at 6:26pm · Like
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
David, you're missing the obvious. I won't try saying anything else about this.
Tuesday at 7:08pm · Like
David McBride Good, that is exactly what I was trying to tell you. I missed that "pretentious" thing but I'd love to drop this whole thing about now.
Tuesday at 7:15pm · Like
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David McBrideposted toStephen Brackin
19 hours ago ·

Meta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meta- (from the Greek preposition μετά = "after", "beyond", "adjacent", "self", also commonly used in the form μετα- as a prefix in Greek, with variants μετ- before vowels and μεθ- "meth-" before aspirated vowels), is a prefix used in English (and other Greek-owing languages) to indicate a concept w...
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Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
Huh? I know what the "meta" prefix means. Why did you mention it? Unless it's something of general interest, just answer in a Facebook email message.
19 hours ago · Edited
David McBride [link]
Cognition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In science, cognition is a group of mental processes that includes attention, me...See More
18 hours ago · Remove Preview
David McBride [link]
Schema (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A schema (plural schemata or schemas), in psychology and cognitive science, desc...See More
18 hours ago · Remove Preview
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
David, what are you doing? If you're trying to say something of general interest, then say it in English and post it. If you're trying to say something to me, then say it in email to me. There are a billion potentially interesting things out there that we can all post links to, but that's not worth doing unless it serves some purpose.
18 hours ago
David McBride [link]
17 hours ago · Remove Preview
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
David, please quit posting links, with no commentary or explanation, on my wall. If you think they're of general interest, then post them under your own status updates, and if you've got something to say to me, then say it in email to me.
17 hours ago
David McBride I was trying to introduce the notion of metacognitive schema. Roland Barthes pointed out that here were faults (limitations) to prevalent assumptions in linguistic theory. I've been persuaded he made valid points. Everything I wrote was in English the last time I checked [link].
Munsters Season 1 Opening
Munsters Season 1 Opening
17 hours ago · Remove Preview
Stephen Brackin · 3 mutual friends
David, you didn't say anything that actually made a coherent assertion until your last post; a series of links isn't English. What "Tampopo" and "The Munsters" have to do with metalinguistic theory sure the hell isn't clear, either. If you want to communicate with me, as opposed to working out your ideas for yourself, then you have to put everything in terms of what I know, not what you know, and you have to make it interesting to me, not just to yourself. If you have ideas you'd like to work out that you think I'll be interested in, then let's do it by email and then figure out how to share these ideas with others.
2 minutes ago · Edited